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Genesis 30

Date recorded:

October 8, 2017

Genesis - Our story begins

The plot thickens; deception, lustful passions, partiality, rebellion, foolishness, all words which describe the life of Jacob, Rachel, Leah, and Laban so far...and it has only really gotten started. This sermon is a must listen for anyone who is truly seeking truth from error, but take heed, it is sure to convict and reprove you in some degree. For if there is one thing that the flesh wants, it is control in a manner contrary to the Word of God. We must not seek to justify the flesh to any regard, for flesh is an undisciplined beast seeking to deceivingly consume each person who values its voice. You see, there is not much that God honors more than His Children, the Church, so we musn't put the flesh over Her...for anyone who devalues Her, dishonors God Himself. Gird up the loins for this one...