October 15, 2017
For many Christians, their lives have become defined by how many toys they can have in their toy chest or how many skins they can have on the wall! Even the good things in this life, gifts of God, have been taken off the altar and have become the reason for their existence...and many today are justifying this form of idolatry! But this form of Christianity will never produce growth, but only a continuance in an infantile Christianity prone to wander and stumble. Jacob learned this first hand through his pursuit of having his best life now mentality, a living for the temporal things and pleasures, his god being his belly with a mind set on earthly things (Php 3). But all of this changed the moment he experienced God for truly the first time, as he moved from a superficial relationship geared towards himself, to an experiential one with God geared towards God. But what was the cost to see His face? What was it he had to be willing to do before God was willing to "bless" him with something much greater than what he got from Isaac? The answer for him is the same answer for us...and the answer is revealed at the "Ford of Jabbok"