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Genesis 33 - Ministry of Reconciliation

Date recorded:

October 22, 2017

Genesis - Our story begins

After 20 years, Esau and Jacob finally reunite but it doesnt go how one would expect knowing the terms in which they last met. But time can aide in healing even the deepest wounds. But is that all that is needed? Do we only have to give time an opportunity to run its course, or are there things in which we must aim for, and do, to aide in a restored relationship? How seriously does God view the relationships within His Beloved, the Church? The answers to those questions are found in this study over a foundational value not often discussed in the Church today, nor is it lived out! How about you? Do you have someone in your life that you need to "aim for restoration", need to be "reconciled" with, and let go of a "root of bitterness"? Your life will never truly move forward until you are willing to honestly answer those questions. As the quote says, "the only things you can keep forever are the things in which you give away", and while it might not hold true in all things, it definitely does when it comes to forgiveness!