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Genesis 38 - Don't Waste Your Life

Date recorded:

November 5, 2017

Genesis - Our story begins

"Onan the barbarian"!! Ok, maybe he wasn't a barbarian, but he was a man who did something wicked in the sight of God. What was the wickedness which caused God to be so severe with him? For there were many men in the Old Testemant who committed adultery, went after foreign women, worshipped idols, and murdered...and yet God didn't kill them. Why was it that Onans' sin was so wicked in Gods sight? What can we learn from this story? This sermon is a definite gut-punch to the soul, a hammer to one's own inhibitions, and a sword thrust into the belly of independence and self-will. For what is the one thing God wants from us? The answer to that question, and so much more, is found within this soul stirring message...