November 19, 2017
Sometimes its good to find practical wisdom in what might have been, learning from potential downfalls, even if they didn't happen...recognizing the possible traps the enemy sets for us. In Genesis 40, we find one of those temptations with Joseph, a cupbearer, and a baker! Joseph, unjustly accused and imprisoned is now coming face to face with two men who have also been thrown in prison, though for them it seems it was due to their offense. It is times like this in which many will unite against a common enemy, drifting into dangerous ground in which the seeds of rebellion, bitterness, and self-pity are often sown. If you analyze your life, both past and present, you will probably find you have done this very thing! "Misery loves company", and so does rebellion and self-pity! So how does Joseph respond? It appears he upholds the highest level of integrity, and continues to show respect to the authority over him, despite the injustice done to him. How would you handle a situation like this in which the enemy brings others to antagonize your soul to rebel? What does the Word teach regarding submission and authority in a Biblical sense? That and more is found in this study... **We watched a sermon afterwards by Eric Ludy called, "The Guy That Kisses"