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Gideon - Beauty In Brokenness

Date recorded:

February 6, 2020

Random Studies

There sometimes seems to be seasons in the lives of many Christians in which one finds themselves entrapped in sin, which leads to the defeat of their soul. And this intentional rebellion leads to a depletion of spiritual resources that the enemy seems to steal from us. But this is not how a Christians life is suppose to be, for God has given us the means to overcome the onslaught of the enemy...we just need to know how to combat his ploys and schemes so that Gods grace will extend beauty from our brokenness as we humble ourselves before His mighty hand! In this sermon, we focus on why the Israelites were in the position of defeat, but more so, how they were empowered to overcome and find victory from a former position of defeat! And in a seeming, step by step order, we dissect how to take the position on the front lines with Gideon, and charge ahead, not allowing our former sins keep us from future glory!