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Healthy Communication - Honesty, Transparency, Vulnerability

Date recorded:

January 23, 2020

Healthy Communication

A general glance, simply gazing at the surface of the words, "honesty, transparency, and vulnerability", one might come to the conclusion that they all mean the same thing. And while they might be in the same family as distant cousins, they are very much so unrelated when it comes to relationships and communication within those relationships. You see, these three characteristics serve as a springboard unto greater depth, intimacy, and closeness, no matter the relationship thus if any of them are missing, the relationship will also be lacking. Do you know the difference between these three words? Is your relationship with your spouse, children, co-workers, fellows Christians, or even God Himself lacking because you do not understand the fullness of the meaning behind these traits? This might be a sermon that in neglecting, you might actually be hindering what you could be having in your relationships so listen attentively...