October 27, 2019
Resolute is defined as, "steadfast in purpose, firmly determined, unwavering". It is a word that describes someone who is absolutely confident, immovable, and secure in their convictions, and it should be a word that describes a Christian today, but sadly, this sort of substance is too often found lacking in the ambassadors of the King of Heaven! But why? Why have many in the Church turned Christianity into a faith this is now tolerant, timid, and afraid to be bold simply because they might offend someone with the Truth or be persecuted because of It? Do we not realize who We are? Do we not realize that we have received the Spirit of the Almighty God and He has promised to go with us, as We with Him? This timidity was not the image of our Savior and Lord and we need to rediscover a Heavenly Faith that neither buckles, or shrinks back from the proverbial fight, but one that once again breathes the Fire of Heaven in a resolute Faith! Our God is able, and He will always back the one who stands for Him so we must be diligent to not neglect what we have both heard and received and drift away from this great salvation we have received in Christ! Listen to this sermon and allow the Spirit to breathe a holy unction into your spiritual lungs, and make you resolute in Christ!