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Hebrews 5 - Heavenly Discipleship

Date recorded:

November 17, 2019

Hebrews - The Supremacy Of Christ

We are witnessing an epidemic among this generation today! Backsliding, rebellion, tolerance of sin, a sense of entitlement, and a complete ineptness of understanding the Gospel, grace, and Truth, just to name a few of the viruses planted by the god of this world. But this plague was not planted in the adults, but in the generations of children before them! Adolf Hitler once said, "He alone, who controls the youth, controls the future", and the enemy, the pioneer of that tactic, is succeeding simply because we, as the Church, have failed to properly train our youth in the ways which God commanded, and according to the pattern which God prescribed in His Word. In short, generations of parents and elders have abominably sacrificed their children to Molech, and we are now reaping the fruit of our ways today. But this trend can be reversed, if only we would simply repent, and change our course from allowing our children, whether physical or spiritual, to be so easily snared by the devil, and begin to train them as God commands! If you are a parent, a mentor, or an elder in the Church, this might be the most important message you could ever listen to in regards to discipleship because we can no longer afford to waste anymore time! The consequences of not listening to this sermon, just might be your child's's that serious!