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Hebrews 7 - A Better Hope

Date recorded:

December 1, 2019

Hebrews - The Supremacy Of Christ

Who is Melchizedek and what is his role in Scripture? Answers to those questions might never be unveiled to us, and most certainly will not be solved in this sermon. But one thing we can know for sure is who he is a foreshadow to, and that is our Beloved High Priest, Jesus Christ...who serves as a priest, not under the Law of Moses, but after the order of Melchizedek! You see, Jesus has granted us access into something which the Law of Moses never could through the Levitical Priesthood...perfection and a entrance into the grace which we now stand through the Blood of Christ, not bulls and goats! And this grace has been provided as the means in which we inherit the "land of rest" that is now introduced through Jesus. So get out your Bibles, be ready to take some notes, and discover the beauty of the better hope...