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Jude (Part 2)

Date recorded:

January 3, 2019

Jude - Contending For The Faith

Flesh will always be at enmity with the Spirit of God! It is not possible for them to exist in harmony for they war against each other on the battleground of the human soul! And flesh is the devils friend to bring division within both a Christian, and a Church Family! His tool of choice in a Church Body? Scoffers! These cancers who mock God by choosing to live according to their own passions, are who we identify in this study so that all may be aware of their leaven! Coupled with that, we identify, and expose some major contradictions that are taught in much of the Church today. Using solely the Word of God as the plumb line, we discuss the harmony that must exist between God's ability, and our responsibility to live as we are called...for they cannot exist apart from one another if we are to truly be, Christians!

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