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Let Not Your Hearts Be...

Date recorded:

August 2, 2018

Faith Over Fear

The heart, the "kardia" of the soul! It is the fountain of passion, affection, purpose, and appetite of the soul! As you can imagine, it is of utmost importance who holds the reigns of the heart in a person, for whoever controls the heart, controls the man! Brethren, your heart is under siege and the enemy is out to "steal, kill, and destroy"! And his weapons are not the usual artilery we are acustomed to, for they fit more in a tackle box than they do an armory! Lures, temptations, bait...these are his weapons. It is things of the world that he will seek to lure away your affections from God and lead you into passions that do not satisfy a holy God! But let not your hearts be troubled, nor be dismayed, for Jesus has overcome the world and we need not fear! We must keep our eyes on Him, and not allow our hearts to become "weighed down", "troubled", or "afraid"...but continue to allow our hearts to be steadfast in our allegiance to our King, His Kingdom, and His Church, above all things!