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Luke 12 (Part 3) - Ready For 9PM

Date recorded:

January 25, 2018


Admittedly, a strange title for this sermon but if you listen to it, you will soon understand why we have chosen this title for this message! So many today live as though Jesus is delayed in His return but in Luke 12:35-48, Jesus clarifies that those thoughts are merely a trap that some will fall into! For Jesus says things like, "stay dressed for action", "keep your lamps burning", "stay awake", and "blessed are those servants who are found so doing when He comes". Have you ever thought about what all these statements truly mean? In this sermon, we break down these verses into their simplistic meanings, attaching other passages to connect the dots of understanding if you will. How will you be found when Jesus comes to knock on your door? Will you be awake to answer when He comes?