February 15, 2018
Wow, talk about a move of the Holy Spirit! Unfortunately, you won't be able to relive the worship time with us, but you can partake of the worship through studying Gods Word with us! Jesus says in John 10:9, "I am the door"!! This statement is vital to understanding the last half of Luke 13! In this message, you will begin to see the beauty of the the Kingdom we have received through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and how Jesus, in Himself, has now made no distinction between Jew and Gentile...for in Christ Jesus, we are both One! This is a teaching that has been mistaught and lost in much of American Christianity, and yet clearly taught in the Words of Jesus and His Apostles! The Church of Jesus is often seen as the ugly step child when compared to the Jews, even unbelieving Jews...but that is not what Jesus taught! We encourage you to listen to this message, praying for eyes to see what the Spirit is saying! Dear Jesus, open eyes and ears for Your glory!!