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Luke 14 - Jesus Won't Accept Your Excuses

Date recorded:

February 22, 2018


That quote pretty much summarizes the teachings of Jesus in Luke 14! Nothing, and He means nothing, can come before service to His cause, for His Kingdom, and for His Body! That means our jobs, our possessions, our families...all must come second to the "cause of Christ"! And yet, there are many Christians today who see this teaching as foreign and absurd, often rejecting the very thing Jesus says is the cost to follow Him! The reality is, this message is just as fundamental to the Gospel as the cross is unto salvation! Have you received the true Gospel, or are you part of the masses who have been spoon fed a cross-less Gospel that requires no sacrifice and no surrender? I haven't given a 90 minute sermon in quite some time, but this topic is too important to cut short!! This an absolute must listen for anyone who desires their soul to be found in Him on that Day...