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Luke 16 (Part 1) - Man In The Middle

Date recorded:

March 8, 2018


Often times, we take the resources of the Master and count them as "blessings' for ourselves, rather than what they are to be...blessings for others! This way of thinking is a trap, and causes many Christians to lose sight of the cross by not being on it! This "man in the middle" mentality produces a full belly, but an empty heart! In this parable of the dishonest manager, Jesus alludes to this way of thinking by illustrating an often taught, but rarely lived teaching of, "you can only have one master"! If you are not dead to self, there is a good chance you will struggle with a defensive attitude towards this message, trying to justify the glory of your own shame! But if you truly desire the heart of God, then humbly listen and allow the Spirit of God to conform you to the image of His Son, so that you can partake of the "true riches" found only in Christ!!