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Luke 17 (Part 2) - Found Wanting

Date recorded:

March 29, 2018


What would our lives look like as Christians if we truly allowed the cross to control each and every aspect of it? Our expenditures? Our time? Our relationships? You see, this question wasn't even a question with many in the early Church, for they knew that cost and understood what a cross was really was what defined them! But somehow, specifically in America, we find ourselves having to ask this question once again, for many have lost sight of the cross and only talk about it as mere doctrine rather than the compass that guides their lives! For as Jesus says, in His Day, the world will be like the days of Noah and Lot; selfishishness will be rampant! And there is a problem with that...Jesus is returning one Day to find His Betrothed faithful to their calling! When He comes, will you be found by Him awake, ready, eager for His return...or asleep, stagnant, and eager for more of this world? Don't be found wanting on that Day...