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Luke 18 (Part 1) - Securing Gods Ear In Prayer

Date recorded:

April 5, 2018


In an age in which many like to dismiss the need for isolated prayer, and even justify reasons as to why they aren't "called" to this type of praying, we need messages like this more then ever! For if there is one thing in which many Christians today don't know how to do, it is how to pray! Of course we know we should, and we know of the need...but do we know HOW to pray? Where are the men of today who know how to both pray, and teach others how to pray? Men like John Hyde, Hudson Taylor, George Muller, E.M. Bounds, etc? In examing the parable of the widow and the unrighteous judge in Luke 18, and Jesus' prayer in John 17, we will unveil three traits that characterize the type of praying that God can't help but answer!

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