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Luke 21 (Part 2) - Considered Worthy

Date recorded:

May 24, 2018


There are many misconceptions taught today in the Church, and end time eschatology has no shortage of them! We by no means have all the answers when it comes to what is going to happen, and exactly how it will all play out, but one thing we know for sure, Jesus is coming back! Thus, in this sermon, we expose a few misconceptions with many of the popular eschatology teachings today, but we primarily address the need to "stay awake" and to not be led astray from the Truth of God in light of the cross of Christ! For we live in an age which relativism and sensuality within the Church, are at an all-time high, and those who seek to live out a pure and sincere devotion to Christ, as according to His Word, will soon be persecuted to greater extents! Satan, the god of this world, is already at work and "Truth has fallen in the streets"! There is a famine in the land of hearing the Word of God amongst the professed people of God! We are in need of true seekers, courage, obedience, and the perfect love of God to once again be manifest in and through His Church! So whether His coming will be in our lifetime or not, we must make sure we are not led astray, but rather be "considered worthy of the Kingdom of God..."

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