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Luke 22 (Part 1) - Seeds Of Sin

Date recorded:

May 27, 2018


In the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), the Jews were commanded to search their house, during this week long feast, for any leaven. And if any was found, it was to be removed immediately!! Failure to do so would result in being cut off from among the people! Jesus teaches what leaven really is in the New Testament, as He is not concerned about the leaven in bread, but the leaven of hypocrisy and sin that seems to root itself within, and spread like ivy! Satan will seek to use any idol that is harbored in our hearts to betray Jesus, for that is his sole agenda in all he attack God by using us as his pawns! This is why we who say we love God above all things must not allow the leaven of idolatry and hypocrisy to be within our House...for seeds of sin will always grow when left unattended!