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Luke 23 (Part 1) - Tiptoeing The Middle Path

Date recorded:

June 3, 2018


People with hidden agendas, who care too deeply about their reputation, are often times some of the most dangerous tools in the hand of the enemy, and the Pharisees and Scribes are no exception! They are relentless in their attack on Jesus, twisting and manipulating events in order to justify their neglect of God's Kingdom. Even despite the authority of Rome telling them to stop, they vehemntly continue to accuse and attack Jesus with unyielding passion! But this is only a small portion of what this study is about, as we focus primarily on two often neglected characters in Barabbas and Pontius Pilate! One, the condemned criminal who stood guilty, but was given a chance at life because of the One who was blameless, and yet took his place! The other, a man who desired to honor Jesus, believed He was innocent, and even acknowledged Him to be the "King of the Jews"! And yet, when the pressure got too much, he still handed Him over to the will of the people! This man, Pontius Pilate, is a prime example of many professing Christians today, who acknowledge Christ, but when the pressure gets too great, will deliver Him up to the will of the people! There is no washing your hands from the responsibility to endure the suffering for Christ, as tiptoeing the middle path leads to the same end as the broad path of destruction...