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Luke 23 (Part 2) - Taking A Stand

Date recorded:

June 7, 2018


There are so many things people take stands for today; politics, country, equality, sports, etc...all of which have little to no bearing on our eternity in Christ! So with so many taking stands, and contending for what they believe in, why does it seem so many Christians live inside a shell, afraid to take a stand with Jesus for fear of exclusion, ridicule, and suffering for His sake? Where are the Christly leaders who will put the people to action through their courage to stand when no one else will? Where are the men and women who do not buckle to cultural appeal, the demands of the people, and the constant pressure to conform? Why has the cost of following Jesus been minimized to a choice rather than a command? Men, women, it is time to take a stand for our King! No longer can we remain in the shadows of obscurity, for we were called to be a Light unto this world! Let us shine brightly the Light of Light shines brightest in the darkest hour of night!