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Luke 24 (Part 2) - Hidden Treasure

Date recorded:

June 14, 2018


When it comes to the Spirit of God, you fall into 3 camps: those who believe in Him, but are afraid to acknowledge His full reality due to the masses who have abused the notion of the Holy Spirit, those who embrace the Holy Spirit but engage in activities outside of His proper order, and those who just don't accept the reality of the Holy Spirit today! Which one is right? Well, the one that falls in line with the Word of God, for the Spirit of God will never violate the Word of God found in Christ! There are many hidden treasures that God has given us in His Son, but the Spirit of God is the greatest one of all, thus to neglect Him, is to neglect God's most precious gift to His Church! For wisdom, understanding, power, love, grace, etc, are all made possible by the Spirit within! But utilizing the Person of the Holy Spirit is only possible when we allow the will of our flesh to be broken, so that the blessing can be poured out upon us! Many are missing out on participating in this mystery...are you?