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Luke 3 - A Beautiful Picture

Date recorded:

October 12, 2017


It's obvious from Scripture that John the baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah, a herald for the coming of Jesus and a voice of one crying in the wilderness. But just as most things in Scripture, the physical is only a portrayal of something bigger and better, only a shadow to the substance! It is a misunderstanding of this truth that gets so many people in trouble with their "theology" today, being so physically, and temporally minded that they reject the superiority of the Heavenly, spiritual elements of the Gospel. So who would be the voice of One that is to come in the power of the Spirit, heralding the coming of Jesus once again? That answer, and so much more, is found in this jam packed study, full of revelation as we unpack just who John the baptist is, what his purpose was, who he is a foreshadow to, and why Jesus is superior in every way to this old testament prophet