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Luke 4 - Return To Glory

Date recorded:

October 19, 2017


This study is broken up into 2 segments! The first 45 minutes consists of the group expounding upon the 3 temptations Jesus endured at the beginning of Luke 4 and how they relate to us today. Each temptation was assigned to certain ones in the group last week, to study and then expound upon their findings with the group! The last 45 minutes or so is the teaching over the rest of chapter 4. So much to confine into a small synopsis; how to battle temptations, power of the Spirit, demons, the cost to follow, our purpose, etc. This study is loaded with little tidbits of Truth that reveal our purpose in this life, and the cost to live out His Life. We as the Church of Jesus must return to an understanding of the cost before we will ever see a return to glory as His Church!