October 26, 2017
What was meant by Jesus when He said, "Follow Me"? What was meant when the Word said the disciples "left everything" to follow Jesus? We live in a society today in which many like to minimize and reduce the cost of following Jesus, to a point to where even simple truths must now be explained instead of just lived. We say things like, "Jesus didn't really mean that", or "Jesus wouldn't really ask that of me would He?". Jobs, possessions, families, etc have all become primary responsibilities when Jesus says they should be secondary to Him, and His command to "love one another". In fact, Jesus says unless they are secondary, unless all things are secondary to Him and His call, one can't even be His disciple. Jesus wants to call us deeper! He wants us to trust Him and push out to the deep, but as long as we hang out in the shallows, unwilling to truly "count the cost" when those moments come, we will never experience the Life Jesus has for us to find. This study is a challenge to push out from the shore, trust Jesus at His Word, and truly, "Follow Him"...