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Luke 7 (Part 2)

Date recorded:

November 16, 2017


There are three main threads in the tapestry of Luke 7 that we pull on in this study. 1) Those of the flesh who view things in the physical light, will never see the beauty and the reality of the spiritual mountaintop of truth! "Blessed is the one who is not offended by me", says Jesus. 2) Courage is a missing component in the lives of many Christians today. While some have courage, it is often a misguided courage mustered up from their own self-will to not fail. But what kind of courage does Jesus want for His children and how are we to go about attaining it? As we expound on in the study, our courage for Christ comes from our confidence in Christ, not ourselves! 3) Our measure and capacity to love hinges on our realization that, apart from Jesus, we are absolutely nothing! This truth is revealed in the story of the sinful woman willing to risk everything just to be near Jesus! What would you sacrifice just to be near the One you love...