November 23, 2017
So many today want to acknowledge God and His Word, and will even esteem it to a degree, only to justify why they can't actually obey what It says! But is that enough according to Jesus? Is it enough to hear, but not put into practice? Can we be a people who pay regard to certain truths, but when it comes down to it, not actually apply them? The answer to that question is a resounding NO! We cannot be a people who only hear, but rather hear and do what He asks of us, no matter the cost! And in a time in which so many are justifying excuses, the Church needs to rise above those excuses and lead into action! This study requires a certain degree of spiritual grit so if you are looking to only remain weak in your spiritual walk, then you might want to prepare your heart before listening. But if your soul desires more, and you want to know and embrace the cross of our Lord Jesus, you need to dive into this message!