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Nehemiah (Part 11) - Taking A Higher Oath

Date recorded:

July 29, 2018


In the last segment of our series through Nehemiah, we address one of the most important, and foundational elements to the Christian faith! It is the concept of commitment! Many will devote themselves to their marriage, nation, job, and military, but for some reason, our loyalty to the Church is treated differently, as if it doesn't require our utter allegiance! Why is that? Why does it seem worldly things have such a hold of our devotion, but the things God holds most dear can be reasoned away? In fact, many in today's churches hold their commitments to the aforementioned as greater in priority than their commitment unto God and His Church! Where are the ones who will sacrificially abide in the greatest commitment we should display, which is to honor Christ, and His Church as the highest of all oaths?