July 1, 2018
So far, most of what we have discussed in our journey through Nehemiah, is how the enemy will seek to destroy you from the outside! Doubt, fear, anxiety, intimidation, all ways in which the enemy will try to thwart your progress in Christ and seek to stop any influence you have against him. In the fourth part of our study through Nehemiah, we discuss another tactic...division from within! How can satan get a foothold within a Fellowship that is set on working for Christ, and His Kingdom? The answer is simple, through the flesh, as selfish gain and worldly living will always be a portal of entry for the enemy in the walls of a Church! This sermon is a must listen, but be warned, it is rooted in the beauty of the cross of Christ, thus it is counter cultural and hostile to any notion of individualism in the Church! It will challenge the complaceny of any who say they live by the cross of Jesus Christ, but refuse to deny themselves from a life of worldliness!