July 12, 2018
Much of Church today has grown into a monotonous routine! The pastor speaks for 30 minutes on a Sunday morning, the worship band plays for 30 minutes, and then we have our "bendiction" to close it out and the herd of cattle can get out before the next herd comes in. It's systematic and functions like clock work, each Sunday without much of a shift! At least this is how I grew up! I'm all for planning, and having a shedule of how things should function, but have we gone too far to where we have lost the meaning and reverence in why we gather together in the first place? Have we ventured on a course to where numbers mean more than the purpose we gather? What if we were to just assemble together to have the Word read to us for hours as we sat in reverence and awe at the glory of God's Word being unfolded before us? No entertainment! No theatrics! Just us and God's Word being read as we raised holy hands to our King! Would that be enough for you? In this sermon, we discuss this concept, as well as we take a peak into aspects of how Christ is found in the celebration of the Feast of Booths.