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Podcast - 1 Corinthians 4 - Reflecting Jesus

Date recorded:

April 20, 2021

Podcast Sessions

It was only about 3 weeks ago when I gave a podcast over a small section of 1 Corinthians 4, but in this one, we continue our journey through 1 Corinthians by establishing two very specific points within this same chapter. 1) What is a healthy form of stewardship in Gods eyes and 2) What does it look like to walk in the image of Jesus Christ, reflecting not only His character, but His Life which He lived. It is these two points which highlight the emphasis of this chapter, but don't think Paul took either lightly! For he, just as we should, does not tolerate those who claim the name of Jesus, but live for themselves! It brings out a side of Paul not often talked about today, as it should us -- Intro background music - "Honor Him" from the Gladiator Soundtrack