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Podcast - 1 Corinthians 7 - Until Death

Date recorded:

May 2, 2021

Podcast Sessions

(This podcast was actually recorded yesterday but due to the gravity of this chapter, I wanted to have another set of ears listen to it first before I posted it) With so many nuances in this chapter specific to relationships in general, its hard to hammer down one topic within this chapter to hone in on. But, if we had to, it would be on establishing a Biblical viewpoint of divorce and remarriage, rectifying it to a Biblical perspective that parallels to the covenant we have with God in Christ. And in a Church age where we have lost the Biblical foundation of marriage, or have been just as guilty in elevating it too highly, getting back to promoting sound doctrine within is paramount to living lives pleasing to God. No matter what position you currently find yourself in, single, married, betrothed, etc, 1 Corinthians 7 is written for your instruction, so listen carefully -- Intro background music - "Honor Him" from the Gladiator Soundtrack

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