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Podcast - 1 Timothy 6 - Content With Christ

Date recorded:

November 10, 2021

Podcast Sessions

This podcast can be summed up by challenging you to ask yourself this question, "Is Christ enough"? Is He truly enough for you or do you find yourself lulled into the temptation and trap of desiring Jesus plus something else...God plus mammon? "I'll be content when I find a spouse", some might say. Or, "when I get a new car"..."have a bigger house"..."attain that better job". If you find yourself asking these questions, or others like them that unveil discontentment, you need to listen to this podcast. For Paul deals with this concept in a way that many might view as harsh in this final chapter, but the consequences of not addressing it could be far worse for you! Have you taken hold of that which is, "truly Life"?