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Podcast - 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 - The Great Ache

Date recorded:

February 1, 2021

Podcast Sessions

Hardships will be an inescapable truth for those who follow Jesus. For it isn't if they come but when! We serve a King who endured a cross and expects us to do the same to follow Him so we can conclude that a life for Christ will be one walked upon a hard road! Using Paul as an example, we dig into discovering how we who are in Christ can learn to glorify Him in the midst of the pain, seeking to move through it and not around it. We also discover the great ache of Paul's heart, and just what that means for those who belong to the Body of Jesus Christ. There will always be struggles in life! But learning that our King loves us enough to not leave us in a weakened state can be the catalyst to finding true joy in the struggles