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Podcast - James 1 (Part 2) - Just Ask, But First

Date recorded:

September 30, 2021

Podcast Sessions

Often times, teachers today will expound upon the promises of God while neglecting to teach the conditions of the promise. But this failure to teach the whole Truth can have damaging effects, even completely negating the promise altogether. So in this podcast, we unwrap verses 5-8 to identify the reality that God wants to generously pour out His Wisdom and revelation upon those who seek Him, but that generosity is conditioned upon a full investment into the Kingdom of Heaven. So let us ask for God's providential wisdom to be bestowed to our hearts in full assurance of faith, for He desires to open up the spiritual blessings to His children who seek Him. But first, may we not be found guilty of being, "two-spirited" and presumptuous...