October 7, 2018
In part 1 of our series through the seven letters to the Churches, we begin with seeking a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ! King of kings and Lord of lords, His majesty is unsurpassed and His Kingdom has no equal! We must align ourselves with the Heavenly vision of the Lamb that was slain, but is now seated at the right hand of power. For if we are not careful, we can easily diminish the person of Jesus Christ to nothing more than a mere friend, or worse yet, our "homeboy"! But the beauty and majesty of Jesus is infinitely more valuable and deserving of our reverance, respect, devotion, and even fear!! If we fail to recognize the Person of Jesus Christ for who He really is, then we will miss the mark of understanding not only what we are commanded as His Church, but why we should obey in the first place! - *We listened to a short video by Eric Ludy titled, "He is"...we highly recommend watching it after listening to this study!