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Seven Letters To The Church - Pergamum

Date recorded:

October 28, 2018

Seven Letters To The Church

In all honesty, if Jesus were to write a letter to the Church in America, what do you think His message to us would be? What about to your Church? What about to you? What would He say you were doing well, and what would He say you would need to repent from? Unpacking this letter to Pergamum, we find three more aspects of a healthy Church in the eyes of Jesus! Faithful to honor His name above all (not just in word, but in deed); selfless and humble; and unwilling to condone worldliness among professed Believers are the three focal points in this study that identify a healthy Church! We will warn you, this study gets very real and pointed at times, and will likely prompt you to answer the question within your own soul...are you a committed follower of the true Gospel of Christ, or have you fashioned a gospel of your own choosing?