November 11, 2018
The Church in Sardis had fallen asleep! For at one time they were awake to their mission, their aim, and their purpose in Christ!! But somewhere along the line, they had become civilians, lulled asleep by the lures of this world instead of remembering they were to be soldiers, awake to the reality that we exist for a different Kingdom in Christ! In fact, most of them in this Church had done so, for only "a few" remained unstained by the world (James 1:27)! But this is not a failure limited to only Sardis! For there are thousands spread across this country who have also fallen asleep and need to be awakened once again to their Heavenly call in Christ so that they might not "soil their garments", but rather be without blemish on the Day of Christ's return! Are you among those who have fallen asleep, who need to be revived from the "dead" so that Christ may shine upon you? The answers revealed in this study just might make you realize you have been living too much like a civilian in this world, and not a soldier for Christ...