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The Cartoon Gospel - Daniel

Date recorded:

May 2, 2019

The Cartoon Gospel

Do you know what it means to be faithful? I'm not just talking about going to Church for a few hours a couple times a week, reading your Bible for a few minutes a day, or saying a prayer before you eat. I'm talking about having a prayer life that consumes you, fellowshipping daily with the Church, and doing your absolute best to study the Word in order to show yourself approved! I'm talking about standing in the face of trial, steadfast and immovable in the face of certain death, for this is what it means to be faithful in God's eyes! In this lesson, you will learn of a man that was so faithful that not even hungry lions and certain peril could sway him from his love for God. Keep in mind, God gave him the the charge to be faithful in all things, and it was because of his obedience that he was delivered from the mouth of the lions. So how much more should we be willing to relinquish our lives for having been given His Son? We must not just try and be part-time Christians while expecting a full-time God! We can not have the best of both worlds...we cannot serve two Masters