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The Cartoon Gospel - Elijah

Date recorded:

April 21, 2019

The Cartoon Gospel

Have you ever been scared to take a leap of faith? Anywhere from talking to new people, giving away your last two copper coins, quitting your job, or standing upon a conviction in the face of conflict. It is a reality, people now a days seem to struggle with walking in faith. Now keeping in mind that faith is the "conviction of things unseen", and that it is the only way to please God, what does that say about us as Christians when we choose to not walk in faith? Now think about what the world sees when we do take those leaps of faith, with boldness! You see, the Christian is not meant to be timid, but tenacious! Not a coward, but courageous! Not a civilian who looks upon the battle and retreats, but a soldier who stares into the face of war and advances! Follow us as we journey through the account of Elijah, a man who stood alone against the authorities, religious leaders, and all of Israel in order to display the unmatched power of God! We reveal the major steps of faith that he took and highlight the boldness that was granted him in his faith that God was "able to do far more abundantly than all that he could ask or think..."