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The Cartoon Gospel - Moses (Part 3)

Date recorded:

April 4, 2019

The Cartoon Gospel

Often times, word meanings carry a profound revelation with them, when traced back to the Greek or the Hebrew. Uncorking their original meaning will unveil a hidden truth that is otherwise left dormant, and undiscovered by the seeker. This truth is found in Exodus 12 regarding the Passover. It is in the term, "forever", and to someone casually reading, you would simply take it for what it says, 'forever". However, if you were to dissect the Hebrew meaning of the word, "olam", and even its root word, "alam", you would unlock the mystery of the Gospel in this little word. You see, this word can imply "perpetual, long duration", but it also means, "indefinite, until an appointed time". But it is the root word, "alam" that reveals the mystery. "Hidden, secret, concealed, VEILED". In short, it means in the context of chapter 12, and in full light of the New Testament, "until the veil is lifted". Essentially, "until the appointed time has come"! Praise God, for this prophecy has now been fulfilled...the Passover Lamb has been slain for the sins of the world! (1 Corinthians 5:7)