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The Cartoon Gospel - Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Date recorded:

April 28, 2019

The Cartoon Gospel

In the time of the Jews being in captivity to Babylon, as a punishment for their continued disobedience, three men understood that they shall not bow to anything other than God in their lives. It's a well known story, but for many, it is a story that is read with a disconnect from their own personal lives. That being said, do you have anything in your life that would be considered an idol? Something which you are bowing down to because your afraid to stand, no matter the cost? Maybe for you, it's something a little more subtle than a 90' golden statue. Maybe it is the demands of you job, a quarrelsome wife, your reputation, material possessions. No matter what the statue is in your life, we must choose to never bow down to anything other than the Lord, for we can have only one Master of our soul. I pray that this study will help you to analyze your own life so as to purge any idols you might be storing up, or things which you are bowing down to instead of standing for...

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