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The Sin Of Idolatry

Date recorded:

September 23, 2018

Controversies In The Church

It is hard to articulate exactly what the topic is of this sermon, other than the hidden idols that have festered and gone unchecked for too long within today's American Church. The idolatry is rampant, and mostly unnoticed by a large portion of the Christian church in America, and this sermon is a sounding horn for all to "repent". Broken down into 5 sections, we discuss each segment in the full light of the Word! "Mistaken Allegiance" is a call for the Church to abandon this modern day form of patriotism, and get back to the roots of realizing we serve a different Kingdom, not of this world! "Women Leading The Charge" is a segment geared towards turning away from this notion that women can authoritatively step into the role of leading God's Church, or of leading in His construct of the family! "Emphasizing The Wrong Immersion" is more of an in-depth study in revealing the truth that water baptism is not essential for salvation. "Covenant Violators" takes a peak into the sinful nature within the epidemic of divorce and remarriage. And lastly, "Misplaced Prioirities: the idolatry of family, academics, occupation, and sports" is a portion that delves into the sin of worshipping the things of this world over the things of Heaven! We watch a video by David Platt called, "Idolatry and Sports" that comprises the bulk of the teaching regarding the sports section! If there were ever a sermon preached in order to gain popular opinion among the masses...this would most certainly not be it! You can't afford to not listen to this one...