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The Sin Of Indulgence

Date recorded:

September 2, 2018

Controversies In The Church

What does it mean to be "blessed"? Ask 10 different people and you will probably get 10 different answers! But what does the Bible say in light of the cross of Christ? What about this question: what if we allowed the concept of the cross to fully govern our lives as Christians? In this study, we wrestle with the truth of how the cross is our avenue to blessing, and how choosing to live a life of luxury and comfort is a demonic deception that has infiltrated the American Church! Many have bought the lie that "blessings" from God refer to gifts primarily for our enjoyment, rather than ones given to us primarily for His benefit (Matthew 25 - Parable of the Talents)! This humanistic teaching is radically contrary to the very Life of the One we serve as King! God blesses for a purpose, and that is not for our happiness and comfort, but for our mission and calling! In fact, God's "blessings" are not about us at all, but about Him! Jesus says, "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also", thus using the excuse that it just comes down to the heart, as a general statement, is invalid and against the teaching of Jesus. He says, the heart is exposed by what you close your hand to in this life! We are ambassadors for Jesus's about time we start to look like the One we serve! (1 John 2:6; Hebrews 13:12-14)