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Unlikely Heroes - Eunice

Date recorded:

February 16, 2020

Unlikely Heroes

Not much is said in the Word about this woman of the Faith whom Paul seemed to speak of in high regard, but what we do know is enough to call her a hero for the Kingdom of God. Seemingly wed to a man who did not know God, she faithfully endured in the Biblical role of a wife, and in the Biblical role of a mother to properly train her son, Timothy, and counted it a duty of her professed Faith to properly nurture and instruct him in the Word of God so that he might be equipped for every good work! But as parents, training our children to such a level requires sacrifice and a venturing away from the normalcy of the culture and into the pattern of Heaven outlined in the Word of God. Many parents don't realize that the Word is clear on the matter of how to raise children in the Faith and as such, are allowing their children to become civilians of the god of this world instead of soldiers for Christ! Parents, don't be deceived by the children who turn out to be good, well-rounded, Jesus professing kids who morally are exemplary, but spiritually, anemic in the Faith, and in the Word of God. For the question we as parents should ask ourselves is not, are our children good, successful people in this world. The question we should ask ourselves is, are they warriors for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom! We could learn a lot from this heroic woman of the Faith of how to properly raise our children in light of the Word of God, not the culture of man...