March 15, 2020
Concluding our series over unlikely Heroes of the Faith, we book end the series with the hero of all heroes, Jesus Himself! Born of impossibility from the start, the Son of God became the son of man in order to die a gruesome death on a cross, only to then be exalted to the right hand of the Father, and the atonement needed to redeem all of mankind. He is our example of heroism and the epitome of courage in the face of adversity...something the Church desperately needs more of right now! But what made Jesus the hero of heroes? What was His blueprint of heroism that was laid down for the generations of followers who would come after Him? Laid out in a very simple, 4-point study, the answer just might surprise you. If you have not listened to any of the other segments as of yet, you will want to make sure to listen to this one!!