About us

Our Vision


We will pursue a radical, and selfless love towards God the Father, lifting high the name of Jesus as a banner raised unto the world by how we selflessly love each other; esteeming to be marked, and controlled by our pure and holy love for God and His Body. His love will define us by how we sacrifice our own wants and desires, the ways of this world that oppose the Ways of God...all for His Kingdom, for one another, and for the world!!


We will not just seek to walk by faith in God, but sprint this Race of Faith!! We will cling to His promises, His provision, His grace, and our hope in the return of our King of Glory, willing to be known as "fools for Christ". We will choose to trust and rely on those things which are unseen and unexplainable rather than trust our own logic and understanding. As we wait upon the Lord for guidance and direction, we will endeavor to be faithful in praying for, and with one another, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.


We will strive to be found trustworthy and dependable in our devotion to God, His Kingdom, and to this fellowship by consistently meeting together as a small part of the larger Body of Christ! We will set our aim towards pure unity, Heavenly vision, vulnerability, genuine love, oneness, and a steadfast purpose to see Jesus glorified in and among us. We will resolve and aspire to see the glory of God revealed in our personal lives, and in the lives of those around us, holding each other fully accountable to all that is written in God's Word in the full light of the cross.


We will strive to put on the mind of Christ by considering each other more significant than ourselves; openly communicating and showing perfect courtesy to each other, forsaking the things and ways of this world so that we may abide in union with Christ, and with one another. Thus, in humility, intentionally finding ways to serve those of this Body out of our radical love for Christ and the example He set forth for us to follow.


We will courageously, and boldly, declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those we come in contact with because we are His ambassadors, having been given the ministry of reconciliation to the world. We will stand on the bedrock of Christ to live set apart, uncompromising, and unwavering lives; loyal to our purpose in Christ, and to one another, above ALL else! Our evangelism unto the world will not just be through our interaction with them, but mainly through our seeking to be perfectly one with each other, having our love for each other on full display unto the world as a "city on a hill"!